Comin like a thief in the night
Comin like a thief in the night

The lyrics also view Christ's coming at the rapture as "a thief in the night." For me this raises the question of whether the rapture is ever directly associated with the "thief in the night" motif. Jesus will come like a thief in the night, So the truth will shine bright as the day We who are Christians should turn on the light, The time is too short, and Christ is returning Well, I pray that we Christians will get off our sofas Larry Norman was considered a founder and a leader of "Jesus Rock" with his well-known song about the rapture, "I Wish We'd All Been Ready." Norman produced another song around 1970 entitled "Right Here in America," a seven and a half minute ballad about coming persecution of Christians destined for America. The focus of a great deal of their music included the belief that Jesus is coming back soon and you better trust Him as Saviour so you won't miss the rapture. Starting in 1969 America witnessed the rise of what was then called "Jesus Rock" music arriving on the scene. Doughten depicts the rapture as Christ coming as a thief in the night. Movies like Russell Doughten's A Thief in the Night, taught the pre-trib rapture and was also a catalyst that saw many people come to Christ through its showing. The Lord used books like Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, which saw perhaps millions come to Christ through its influence. I had many friends who accepted Christ during those days because of the urgency of the hour.įirst of all, I believe the Holy Spirit was extremely active, moving upon my rebellious generation like He has not done since in the United States. Back then many were waiting for the coming of the Lord while reaching out to the lost with gospel so they would not miss the rapture. There was an air of expectancy that Christ could really come for His church at any-moment, which I have not seen since that time. Even though I had grown up in the church, I was first introduced to Bible prophecy and the rapture during this time when I was in my late teens.

comin like a thief in the night

It was a time within American Christianity when there was a great emphasis on Bible prophecy, especially the rapture of the Church. For this reason you be ready too for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will" (Matthew 24:42-44).įor many of us "baby-boomers" the early 70s were an exciting time! The Jesus Movement saw hundreds of thousands of young people come to Christ. But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. "Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.

Comin like a thief in the night